20 lutego 2018

Information for applicants

Form of presentations
– Keynote lectures: 10 – 20 minutes
– Lectures: 10 minutes
– Posters: in electronic form (.pptx or .pdf), in English. They will be presented with the projector during the poster session.

Official language of the conference
English, Polish, Slovak

Abstracts will be published in abstract book which will be shared during the conference.
Should be written in English and should not exceed one page of text.
The abstract should be followed by keywords.
The text of abstract should be in the following order: title, authors, affiliations, text of abstract, keywords
Abstracts should be sent to the conference office by email: physiology.office@gmail.com

Full articles
Full articles of the participants will be published in the special issue of the AUPC Studia Naturae journal.
Full articles should be sent to the conference office by email: physiology.office@gmail.com till the end of May.
The instructions of the manuscript preparation and manuscript template: http://aupcstudianaturae.up.krakow.pl/index.php/dla-autorow/animal-physiology-conference-2018/

Letter of acceptance can be realized only after abstract submission, abstract acceptance and registration fee payment!
At the conference all authors will receive confirmation document.
The Organizing Committee does not send pre-conference letters for possible participation!